Professional Cinematography

Posts tagged ‘Atlantis pavilions’

Nina and Jeff – Anything You Can Do

Nina discusses life as the significant other of DJ J-Tec.

Used as Nina & Jeff’s entrance video at their wedding reception.

See their Same Day Edit here:

Nina and Jeff SDE – 11-11-11

Friends know her has “Nina”, family knows her as “Niki”.Fans know him as “J-Tec”, family knows him as Jeff.

You may recognize this couple from their “Anything you can do” video used as their entrance video at their reception.

They picked a unique date that happens only once a century: 11-11-11. The Atlantis Pavilion projected the same day edit on two screens, one inside, and the other on the exterior of the building.

Nina and Jeff had one of the most unique and creative themes we have ever seen at a wedding. They also provided a nice give away for their guests: flipbooks courtesy of Watch to see what it is all about!

A member of Jeff’s bridal party is former DMC World Champion, DJ Dopey. He composed the music and we added the visuals.